JM Public Safety’s Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course teaches EMS practitioners, law enforcement, security professionals, and other prehospital providers how to respond to and care for patients in a civilian tactical environment.
The course presents the three phases of tactical care and integrates parallel EMS nomenclature:
- Hot Zone/Direct Threat Care that is rendered while under attack or in adverse conditions.
- Warm Zone/Indirect Threat Care that is rendered while the threat has been suppressed but may resurface at any point.
- Cold Zone/Evacuation Care that is rendered while the casualty is being evacuated from the incident site.
The 16-hour classroom course includes all new patient simulations and covers the following topics:
- Hemorrhage control including immediate action drills for tourniquet application throughout the course;
- Complete coverage of the MARCH assessment;
- Surgical airway control and needle decompression;
- Strategies for treating wounded responders in threatening environments;
- Caring for pediatric patients;
- Techniques for dragging and carrying victims to safety;
- A final, mass-casualty/active shooter event simulation.
JM Public Safety Inc. is a recognized education partner of the Committee on TECC (Co-TECC). The Co-TECC establishes guidelines for the provision of prehospital care to injured patients during a tactical incident. The Co-TECC neither creates curriculum for the prehospital provider, nor does it endorse the curriculum of other organizations.
Course Information:
Who Should Take This Course?
EMS practitioners, law enforcement, security professionals, and other prehospital providers who need to know how to respond in a non-military tactical environment.
Course Time: 16 Hours
Course Fee: $350.00 per person
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