JM Public Safety Inc. holds a Federal Firearms License (FFL) which gives us the ability to transfer your firearm purchases and sales on your behalf.
We’re more than happy to help you with your firearm purchase or sale. Please contact us info@jmpublicsafetyinc.com to schedule your transfer today!
Lowest Fee’s!
We’re proud to offer some of the lowest transfer fee’s around. All costs are fully inclusive with no hidden fee’s.
Handgun: $30 (Includes the $10 background check fee)
Long Gun: $20
Consignment Sales: 20% of the final sales price.
Email us at info@jmpublicsafetyinc.com to buy or sell your next firearm.
How to Buy a Gun Online
Click here to read how to purchase a firearm online.
Don’t Lie!
Don’t lie for someone who can’t legally own a firearm!